× Bio Publications Teaching Gallery

Nikolaos Dimitriou, PhD

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center


Nikolaos (Nikos) is a research fellow in the Carrot-Zhang lab at the Dept. of Computational Oncology of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. His research focuses on identifying the interactions between driver mutations and ancestry related traits in cancer, genotype-phenotype mapping, as well as the role of race/ethnicity in tumor treatment response.

Nikos is a PhD of the Department of Bioengineering at McGill where he worked on mathematical modelling of cancer growth, supervised by Prof. Georgios Mitsis. His research aimed to uncover and quantify the underlying biophysical mechanisms of cancer growth using mathematical models and 3D cell culture experiments. During his PhD studies, he focused on (1) validating hybrid multiscale models with 3D cell culture data, (2) the investigation of sedimentation phenomena in 3D hydrogel cultures, and (3) the design of multiscale models by combining tumour growth and the expression profiles of genes related to drug resistance. He was also the recipient of the prestigious Stavros Niarchos, and Werner Graupe fellowships.

Nikos' undergraduate studies took place at National Technical University of Athens. He obtained a Diploma in Applied Mathematics and Physics with a focus on theoretical, particle and computational physics. Even though the study curriculum of his undergraduate School was not directly related to biology, it allowed him to take courses related to Theoretical Physics which provided a solid mathematical and computational background, as well as analytical reasoning skills that are generally applicable. From the 3rd year of his studies, he developed an interest in cancer which enabled him to design research projects on nanoparticle therapies.



  1. A calibration and uncertainty quantification analysis of classical, fractional and multiscale logistic models of tumour growth.

    Dimitriou, N. M., Demirag, E., Strati, K., & Mitsis, G. D.

    BioRxiv (2023). Link to preprint.

  2. Cancer cell sedimentation in 3D cultures reveals active migration regulated by self-generated gradients and adhesion sites.

    Dimitriou, N. M., Flores-Torres, S., Kyriakidou, M., Kinsella, J. M., & Mitsis, G. D.

    BioRxiv (2023). Link to preprint.

Journal Articles

  1. Bioprinted Multicomponent Hydrogel Co-culture Tumor-Immune Model for Assessing and Simulating Tumor-Infiltrated Lymphocyte Migration and Functional Activation.

    Flores-Torres, S., Dimitriou, N. M., Pardo, L. A., Kort-Mascort, J., Pal, S., Peza-Chavez, O., Kuasne, H., Berube, J., Bertos, N., Park, M., Mitsis, G. D., Ferri, L., Sangwan, V., & Kinsella, J. M.

    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023). Link to publication.

  2. Quantifying the Morphology and Mechanisms of Cancer Progression in 3D in-vitro environments: Integrating Experiments and Multiscale Models.

    Dimitriou, N. M., Flores-Torres, S., Kinsella, J. M., & Mitsis, G. D.

    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2022). Link to publication. Link to preprint.

  3. Detection and Spatiotemporal Analysis of In-vitro 3D Migratory Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

    Dimitriou, N. M., Flores-Torres, S., Kinsella, J. M., & Mitsis, G. D.

    Annals of Biomedical Engineering (2022). Link to publication. Link to PDF.

  4. Prediction of Gold Nanoparticle and Microwave-Induced Hyperthermia Effects on Tumor Control via a Simulation Approach.

    Dimitriou, N. M. N. M., Pavlopoulou, A., Tremi, I., Kouloulias, V., Tsigaridas, G., & Georgakilas, A. G.

    Nanomaterials 9(2) (2019). Link to publication.

  5. Gold nanoparticles, radiations and the immune system: Current insights into the physical mechanisms and the biological interactions of this new alliance towards cancer therapy.

    Dimitriou, N. M., Tsekenis, G., Balanikas, E. C., Pavlopoulou, A., Mitsiogianni, M., Mantso, T., Pashos, G., Boudouvis, A. G., Lykakis, I. N., Tsigaridas, G., Panayiotidis, M. I., Yannopapas, V., & Georgakilas, A. G.

    Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 178, 1–17 (2017). Link to publication.
